
25th February 2024

It seems that WordPress has recently been making changes to the way it offers free web site hosting in order to encourage us to move to a paid subscription. This has had an impact on our site in that the site now loads with a banner that I am encouraged to remove by paying a monthly subscription.

I have tried to find a way round this but it appears to be a feature of most free themes. I am hence inclined to live with this although you may see the site change as I research ways to avoid this nuisance.

21st September 2023

John Owen has let me know that a new book of Sunday Times Teasers has just been published. It is available here.

Friday 17th February

I have restructured the menus on the site in order to prevent the pages getting very long.

Sunday 22nd May 2022

John Owen has kindly confirmed that there is a subtle error in the text of teaser 3113, which I have attempted to correct with an edited description.

After a suggestion that we should attempt to produce our joint best teaser solution, I set up a trial here two weeks ago to see if there was any interest. So far, there have been precisely zero comments on the solutions provided by Ciaran Lewis and John Crabtree. Maybe I am too cynical but I don’t think this approach is going to work.

I think a better solution is that I simply publish solutions that people offer on the solutions page as I now do and invite people to comment on ways that they could be improved. (in order to avoid too much work I would hope that offered solutions stay reasonably close to those now published). This seems to work as Tony Smith was kind enough to comment on a solution that I recently posted. I would need to set up a way for people to make such comments but this should not be too hard.

Sunday 8th May 2022

Some regulars wondered about the author’s own solution for last week’s teaser. John Owen does not now support the publication of the author’s solutions because future books of Sunday Times teasers are likely to include these and would be undermined if these were widely available on-line. But, in view of the specific interest in last weeks teaser John and Victor have kindly agreed, as an exception, to allow us to publish it here.

Saturday 9th May 2022

Following the recent discussion about the posting of solutions to teasers on this site, the idea of using the combined skills of regulars here to come up with a ‘best solution’ was suggested. The idea was that if we had a few solution offers, these could be discussed and improved leading to a decision of which offered the ‘best’ solution which would then be published on the solutions page.

I really don’t know if this is going to work but I have put up a page here to try it out.

In doing this I decided for to do some site rearrangement and this has allowed me to introduce a News menu item which I hope to encourage will use occasionally to pick up on anything that I feel may be of interest to them.

At present, I am the only one who can publish news but I am happy to add news items from others if they have anything they feel may be of interest here.

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