Posting Solutions

John Owen has kindly provided his solution to last week’s teaser, which I have now put on-line on our Solutions page. John has also said that he will seek permission from other authors to allow us to do the same for their teasers so we will hopefully be able to build up an on-line record of the official answers for future teasers. This page will not need a password since answers will appear on or after the Sunday following a teaser’s publication.

As you will see if you visit the page, I have provided a column where I can add solutions that others wish to put on-line. I am happy to do this in any of the formats that WordPress allows but solutions using computer programs would obviously not be appropriate here since this site is intended for people whose interest is in manual solutions (other sites are available for programmed solutions here and here).

If you do wish to post a solution, you can put it on-line anywhere of your choice and send me a URL via the ‘Contact’ item and I will add the link with your name (or any alias you wish to use) as the linked text. Please try to select a location that is likely to have a long life (e.g. Google Drive or OneDrive) in order to avoid its URL quickly going stale.

If you prefer to have your solution put on-line on this site rather than a location that you choose, I am happy to do this subject to some constraints. First, I would be grateful if you could be careful to ensure it is in its final form (and has been carefully proof read) before it is submitted. I don’t guarantee any help in getting any submission right by proof reading it and I don’t want to end up repeatedly deleting and adding revised solutions as authors improve their solutions (I know about the pressure to do this!) If you are a compulsive ‘solution improver’ I would suggest that you post to a location under your control and one that allows uploads to a location with a fixed URL.

I also explain here how to put links in your comments if you want to reference material that you put on-line.

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